Friday, September 24, 2010

Dolla, Dolla Bills!
When it comes to the design of the U.S. currency, you can say its pretty boring if you compare it to that of other countries. Over the years we can see slight changes, due to concerns of counterfeiting. But the overall feel has stayed the same. I know right now times are tough and we can focus on other things that are more important. But as a designer, I believe redesigning and rebranding our currency would be a great marketing tool, which might help rebuild financial confidence. Besides that point, the American dollar needs a makeover anyways. There is something called the Dollar Rede$ign Project, organized by Richard Smith, a creative strategy consultant. He was asking for people to submit their ideas. Submissions are now closed, but you can still take a look at

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Android for your Chrome
It's time to show off your Android love. Roman Nurik, a Developer Programs Engineer at Google has launched an unofficial Chrome extension called Robot Theme, which is Android Inspired. It can be easily installed or removed. So click on the link and give it a try, if you are using the Chrome browser that is. Also, remember to pass on the info to your friends and coworkers. We need to show more Android love in the world.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

After 42 years, our lives will change, FOREVER! Yes people, Heinz has redesigned the ketchup packet. It's more user-friendly and you can say bye bye to messy spills, squirts and smears. The new packet will hold three times more ketchup than the older one. The new one is not to replace the old one, but exist along side it. Just for those people who don't like change. There's two ways to use it, lift up one corner to dip when eating in the car and tear open the tip to squeeze out the ketchup. As a huge fan of ketchup, this is definitely good and exciting news. I haven't had the chance to use it yet, but will definitely give my impressions once I get my hands on one. Also, in March, Heinz will no longer use high fructose and corn sweetener in their ketchup, but will use sugar instead. I know this will probably change the taste a little, but if its healthier, I'm all for it. Again, I can't wait to taste and see how different it will be. If anyone has used this new packet, definitely let me know what you think.